Introduction to Language and Computation is the first issue of the journal TRIANGLE, released in September 2010. It has been published under the TRIANGLE series Linguistics, Biology & Computation.
It collects some of the courses given in a workshop addressed to students of humanities and hold at URV during the academic year 2009-2010. This report aims to give a comprehensive view on how computation can help in the processing and understanding of natural language.
The issue has three contributions:
- Leonor Becerra-Bonache, Introduction to Grammatical Inference for Linguists, 1-29
- Henning Christiansen, Logic Programming for Linguistics: a short introduction to Prolog, and Logic Grammars with cosntraints as an easy way to Syntax and Semantics, 31-64
- Veronica Dahl, An Introduction to Natural Language Processing: the Main Problems, 65-78
The issue has been supported by the Departament de Filologies Romàniques (URV), the project Language, Automata and Formal Languages (MTM2007-63422) and the project DEDICON: Desarrolllo para Dispositivos de Computación Natural (CCG08-UAM/TIC 4425).
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