dilluns, 15 de novembre del 2010

TRIANGLE 2 - December 2010

Programación Lógica is the second issue of the journal TRIANGLE, released in December 2010. It has been published under the TRIANGLE series Linguistics, Biology

Programación Lógica is an introduction to Logic Programming in Sp
& Computation.

ISBN:  978-84-693-7385-9

This issue has been contributed by Veronica Dahl (Simon Fraser, Canada & Tarragona) and Alejandro Javier García (Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina).

Programación Lógica is an introduction to Logic Programming in Spanish, addressed to non-specialists. The text intends to combine scientific rigor and clarity. It is a very convenient starting point to the LP paradigm for humanities students.

The issue has been supported by the Departament de Filologies Romàniques (URV), the project Language, Automata and Formal Languages (MTM2007-63422) and the project DEDICON: Desarrolllo para Dispositivos de Computación Natural (CCG08-UAM/TIC 4425).

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